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p h o t o g a l l e r y

Much Ado
About Nothing
You're A Good Man,
Charlie Brown!
The Game

Jane Fairfax
Every Brilliant

Miss M. Muse / Broadcast Official
The Skin Of Our Teeth
Jo March
Little Women

a b o u t m e
Hi! I'm Sanjana.
Sun like the sky, gin like the drink, and "ah!"
I'm a queer, second generation Indian-American artist based in New York City. Hailing from the suburbs of Darnestown / North Potomac, Maryland - I like any prepubescent young brown girl - fell in love with Jonathan Rhys-Meyers in Bend it Like Beckham - and decided right then and there that I would also love to play pretend for the rest of my days if it meant I could stare into Jonathan Rhys-Meyers eyes for money.
I love sushi (especially on a conveyor belt), otters, and reading the "Did You Know?" sections for every single movie I've ever seen on IMDB. As a Libra sun and moon, I've been known to keep things balanced and collaborative. I'm deeply passionate about works that champion diversity and inclusion in dynamic and compelling new ways.
I am an artist that strives to be an advocate and source for radical change within the American entertainment culture to champion our most marginalized voices to tell stories that don't get heard as often as they should. I can't wait to continue my career with a sense of fervor for the rest of my days!
Thanks for being here! Thanks for reading.

h e a d s h o t s
by Tanya Young

r e e l s

A scene from Booksmart (2019)
Virginia Theatre Festival's promotional material for Kate Hamill's Little Women
A scene from Two Night Stand (2014)
Scranton Shakespeare Festival's
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown Sizzle Reel (2023)

i n t i m a c y
c h o r e o g r a p h y

Take the guess work out of the "big kiss"

A strong and successful intimacy choreographer is on a creative team to ensure a safe, effective, productive, and collaborative approach to staging intimacy of all kinds - from hand holds to simulated intercourse and everything in between. Like any sort of high energy dance sequence in a splashy musical - staging intimacy is its own choreography that contains its own bevy of nuances; all while taking the boundaries we have as human beings into consideration.
Under the guidance of Chelsea Pace, prolific intimacy choreographer, coordinator, and author of Staging Sex - a guide to best practices when developing staged intimacy work; I have worked to provide an open dialogue of collaboration amongst those on all sides of the table: actors, directors, stage management and producers alike.
Why should staging sex have to be awkward?
Let's break the stereotype - together.

Nina (Talyah Rawls) and Konstantin (Thompson Sewell) share a kiss during a performance of Kenan Theatre Company's The Seagull
Photo by HuthPhoto

upcoming/most recent:
Madam Crab in "Moonfaker"
By Sam French and Kyle Wilson
directed by Billie Aken-Tyers
July 2024

Keep in Touch!